S & D Enterprises

Court Ordered Programs

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Court Ordered Programs

Our goal is to give our participants the tools they need to make smarter choices in the future

Parenting, Domestic Violence, Anger Management and Impulse Control

Parenting– Court ordered available approaches to raising children, understanding sources of behavior, teach responsibility, resolve conflict, discipline that teaches.

Anger Management-Court ordered defuse anger by managing stress, reduce stress in the family, manage conflict, anger and assertiveness, change your life by changing your thinking.

Batterer’s Intervention– Court ordered identify power and control behaviors; understand the effects of negative mindsets, abuse and its affects, learn positive alternatives to dysfunctional habits.

Domestic Violence-This court ordered training course helps people who work with children to understand what domestic violence is, how it may begin, who perpetrates abuse, and how to identify when it may be happening. The course outlines the impact that domestic violence and abuse has on victims and children.  It will also help you realize that you do have control over your behavior, your thought patterns, and the way you manage your emotions. You have the power to stop abusing, and the classes can help you learn how to do it

Impulse Control– People who lacks self-control can get into all sorts of trouble.  This course is designed for individuals that have been charged with a misdemeanor, such as petty theft.  In our 8 hour educational interactive course you will learn how to demonstrate self-control and take responsibility for your attitudes and behaviors.